How do I access some kind of an AlephOne level editor?

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Hi there. My name is mrchallah. I'm working on a number of VidMaster challenges right now (in Marathon 2)... And it would be very helpful if I could sometimes gain a tiny bit of info on the levels (like how many of a certain type of enemy respawn... or where EXACTLY the starts are in a given level). ...

A long enough time ago I would have opened up the actual M2 levels in Forge and just... taken a look at the level! ... How do I do that in the modern era with Aleph One?

Could I even alter the level the tiniest bit?... Adding extra health cans to practice a difficult part perhaps?

Thanks for the advice,
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Mjolnir Mark IV
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I think there's only 1 editor for it. Being Weland.

treellama did do everything for Aleph One. But no texture tool he did.
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Treellama wrote Visual Mode.lua as well, actually. There’s also Vasara, a modification of the above by Hopper (one of the other main developers of Aleph One). Of course, both of those run within Aleph One itself, not within Weland – it would be a task of at least a year to rewrite the engine in a completely different language (Aleph One is written in C++, Weland in C#, and despite the similar names, C# has more in common with Java than it does with C++).

To modify the map the way you’re looking for, you’ll have to split the map with Atque, edit the individual levels to your taste, and then re-merge.

For more information, check the pinned threads in the Editors section.

(There’s also Forge+, but it’s not finished yet and won’t be able to give you some of the information you want. But it’ll probably be better than Weland once it’s done.)
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Mjolnir Mark IV
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He did?

Oh he did.
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Thanks you two! That's super helpful...

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