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Raycaster Again

Posted: Feb 11th '20, 16:36
by Meerjel01
It's been bugging me far too many times and I refuse to give up on this idea. I need to make a ray caster engine!

This topic is mainly for me to get help but can also be a discussion for things like "Is Aleph One a Raycaster?" and how to make a Weland like editor for my SFML raycaster engine cause that's what I'm aiming for to do. Elevated Polygons instead of one-layered blocks.
Starting from this I'll add features to this code and make new features. Like textures with mip-maps.

The Silence is still my highest priority. This project is just another w.i.p engine of mine that I hope can get going.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Feb 27th '20, 10:34
by Meerjel01
I'm feeling better again. I think at most.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Feb 27th '20, 19:44
by Pfhorrest
That's good to hear.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 25th '20, 11:34
by Meerjel01
Bumping in to do something like before. Rubber Johnny.
All old equipment and my new soft-modded Xbox. (Black one)

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 27th '20, 13:41
by Meerjel01
Well I got another kick of depression. I'm not asking for attention, I'm just asking for help.

I feel better. Even tho no one here helped me. But people must have their own problems with Corona.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 30th '20, 18:23
by Meerjel01
Sad again. By my own thought. Maybe I can't make any game I wanted to do. I'm just too incapable of it.

Don't tell me to lighten up and try again. I quit. I hate gaming. It's garbage.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 31st '20, 15:08
by Meerjel01
I'm getting tired of these depression bursts.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 31st '20, 17:56
by Pfhorrest
If you're not somewhere that's locked down due to the pandemic, I'd recommend going outside for a hike. I suffer from depression too and I find that exercise and nature are pretty great for alleviating it.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Mar 31st '20, 18:39
by Meerjel01
Yeah you're right. Definitely. I see if I can get a breather before bedtime.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 1st '20, 19:50
by Meerjel01
I've been outside yesterday and listened to some post-rock recently. I feel better now. Currently.

Shall we all discuss music instead of Raycasting? Tympanik Audio?

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 2nd '20, 20:16
by The Man
Godspeed You! Black Emperor is probably still my favourite band of all time (though I've been listening more to Deathspell Omega lately, because their music suits our turbulent times so well - though GY!BE's also fits well; both bands' output is quite apocalyptic). Unfortunately, GY!BE has largely ruined later post-rock for me: none of it seems to measure up. I like a few of the older bands, though - Slint, Talk Talk, and Tortoise in particular. I also like a lot of metal bands influenced by post-rock (Neurosis, Isis, Cult of Luna, Alcest, etc.).

These are trying times. Good luck coping. If your situation fits (i.e., sufficient financial resources and time), I recommend finding something that comforts you and pouring energy into it. For me, that's mostly been cooperative gaming projects such as Eternal, WMAiD, and Chronicles, and also studying Latin for some reason, but those won't work for everyone. I do think working on a productive task with other people is important, though - it helps to feel like part of something bigger than yourself.

Stay safe, in any case - SARS-CoV-2 is no joke.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 3rd '20, 07:06
by Meerjel01
I've always been fascinated by electronic and ambient music. Finding Tympanik Audio from Access to Arasaka was a blessing.
I do think working on a productive task with other people is important, though - it helps to feel like part of something bigger than yourself.
It makes sense but I can't abandon The Silence cause I don't know how much time I have. I always wanted to make a console game and now I have the chance for it with 3DS development. Unless some new DS system is being developed in the future, I'm pretty much stuck.

But as you said "Something bigger with more people" makes me believe I should give the development to other people. Perhaps I need some story details and acknowledgement more than I think.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 3rd '20, 22:23
by The Man
You might actually have more luck trying to find an existing project that interests you and then contributing to that somehow; these things develop a sort of momentum as more people join them, and you’ll have a lot more luck getting people to join your own projects if you can point to concrete contributions you made to a published, playable game. Very few gaming projects end up being one person’s work, and the amount of work involved in making a game seems to be some weird corollary of Hofstadter’s Law (“It always takes longer than you think it will, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law”). I don’t know what all technical details are involved in making a 3DS game, but I suspect it isn’t simple.

In any case, I know there’s no way I would possibly ever have the slightest bit of hope to finish Chronicles if I weren’t receiving submissions from other people. My contributions to Eternal and WMAiD probably have assisted in this respect (and in all likelihood, a lot of the unfinished content that doesn’t get used in WMAiD can be repurposed for Chronicles). You might not have this much luck with joining other people’s projects, but if you’re able to work well with others and build up a list of finished work you can point to, it’ll probably help a lot with recruiting people for your own projects.

(Of course, if I really wanted to advance a career in the gaming industry, I would probably be working on a more modern engine – or on porting Marathon’s gameplay to a more modern engine. But… y’know. I’m pretty ambivalent about the current state of the gaming industry.)

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 12th '20, 13:34
by Meerjel01
Maybe I can let people in for developing my Marathon scenario Glow.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 12th '20, 23:33
by Pfhorrest
That’s a good idea.

I wish I had made Eternal development far more open far sooner (like back in 1996). Things could have gone very differently if I had.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 13th '20, 01:21
by The Man
Yes. If I had opened up Chronicles development as early as... let's say 2002, since I didn't have much to show for it the first couple years I worked on it, then odds are about 99.9% I would've finished it a long, long time ago - probably around 2010.

(It might have ended up a somewhat lesser game, though, because I was frankly kind of a dick for a lot of that time, and I'd probably have ended up alienating a lot of people in the process. I can still be kind of a dick from time to time, but nowhere near as bad as I was then. I'm also pretty sure the writing would've ended up nowhere near as good as it hopefully will. But I digress.)

Opening up your development process to multiple people is virtually guaranteed to improve the game. Making it entirely public might not be necessary - WMAiD has only been seen by a couple dozen people so far, apart from the screenshots and gameplay footage we've released. But you should at least show your work to other people who've developed for the engine and allow them to make suggestions to improve it.

At the same time, I also think working on other people's projects (at least if they're competently run) is a major help as well. Partially because there are so few projects in this community that actually get completed; and partially because it's a learning experience of how other people get collaborative work done in the engine, which is especially invaluable knowledge if you're hoping to manage your own team of people; and partially because if you do good work, it's liable to get recognised and cause more people to be inclined to contribute to your own projects (and, for that matter, just to play your game in the first place).

Tacticus recently made me a new set of staff renders for Chronicles. Maybe he'd have made them anyway, but I kind of doubt he'd have gone to that much trouble for some rando who didn't already have a documented track record of contributions to other projects. (He'd already made wonderful staff sprites for other projects - and these are nonetheless significant improvements on them.)

Working on other people's projects is also a learning experience. You see how their maps work a lot better than you would if you just played the game when it was done. You learn about how the scripting or shapes or physics work. All kinds of things.

I haven't paid attention to many of the other ongoing projects lately, apart from the ones I've worked on recently in some capacity or other (Chronicles, Eternal, WMAiD, Tempus). Eternal is pretty close to feature freeze for 1.2.1, and it's not really my place to recruit people for the latter two. But overall, if everyone focuses on their own projects, very few of them get completed. It's been a recurring problem with this community for decades, and it's a major reason I'm not focused only on Chronicles. Ironically, I think this attitude on my part has vastly increased the likelihood that Chronicles will someday get finished.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Apr 24th '20, 16:41
by Meerjel01
Can someone hand me a shader for Unity that would act like classic Doom/Marathon lighting but with color options? I know absolutely nothing about shader coding and would want one from people that's familiar with it.

Or I could just ask someone to help me with a ray caster engine or something cause I still want one made.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 5th '20, 15:15
by Meerjel01
I haven't said what name the engine is going to have. It's called the Gunpoint engine and it's gonna have an editor similar to Weland. (Except for 5D space which I'm not planning on feature rather than layout layers)
Gunpoint Grids.png
I just began working on it using SFML on Xcode. (If you didn't know already) Hoping on getting a custom map format as-well.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 6th '20, 02:11
by Lion O Cyborg
Meerjel01 wrote:I haven't said what name the engine is going to have. It's called the Gunpoint engine and it's gonna have an editor similar to Weland. (Except for 5D space which I'm not planning on feature rather than layout layers)
Gunpoint Grids.png
I just began working on it using SFML on Xcode. (If you didn't know already) Hoping on getting a custom map format as-well.
Will Gunpoint's editor have a working visual mode that functions like Vasara, but as part of the editor itself and with the original Forge's 3D height adjustment mode?

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 7th '20, 14:15
by Meerjel01
Maybe. I haven’t planned on all the features for the editor and the renderer wasn’t worked on yet. But maybe not as advanced but should still be featured.

I still need to have a way to spawn and keep graphical objects in the editor.

The multi-object problem is solved but I can't draw lines yet. Anyone knows SFML here? You can help. ^_^

Lines are drawn and I might just send out an early prototype here soon. Or you can just hinder me. TOO LATE!

V0 Prototype (Mac)
click to add a vertex, click again to add another but with an edge between the first and second vertex. Push Escape to exit the application.

Snapping vertices to grid isn't possible yet.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 9th '20, 11:05
by Meerjel01
Still hasn't gotten snapping to work. I can probably work on the actual game render engine in the mean time.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 16th '20, 15:07
by Meerjel01
I think I'll convert my game ideas into other things. Turns out I'm way too slow on game development.

Mind-change again.

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: May 19th '20, 12:36
by Meerjel01
Had the idea to make the game in SDL1.2 cause of difficulties with the SFML code. Maybe I should use SDL2 but that's unoriginal.

I also had the idea to put the engine in PC as-well but if I get fans then I want them to behave. (reason why I'm not making PC games is because of the facism in the community)

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Jun 1st '20, 16:03
by Meerjel01
SFML again. I never did get the snaping to work cause I'm not good at math. Do someone know a mathematic way to snap vertices to a grid?

Re: Raycaster Again

Posted: Aug 28th '20, 02:48
by Zott
(Is 3 months too long to necro content? :P )
Maybe like this?
If you want a grid spacing of 4, and the current coordinate is 3.
3/4 = 0.75
let's round that number.
Round(3/4) = 1
The new coordinate should be 1 * 4 = 4.
Same pattern - Let's say you start with 13. Your new output would be 12.
Hit the books sonny-boi!