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Mjolnir Mark IV
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Is there any way for the pfhorums to do this? I've been trying to reach General Tacticus but he hasnt logged in for a little while. Granted thats nothing arround these parts. But could be a long while beforeb he sees it
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The Man
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No idea for your Pfhorums question, but… Have you tried him on Discord? A lot of people seem to be more responsive through there these days. TBH, this place is so dead nowadays that I sometimes forget to check it for days at a time.

ETA: …though, that said, he’d told us he was gonna be busy IRL pretty regularly for the next little while anyway, so he might not be terribly responsive anywhere.
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Mjolnir Mark IV
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herecomethej2000 wrote:Is there any way for the pfhorums to do this
it already does
the twittering machine.png
the twittering machine.png (4.1 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
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Mjolnir Mark IV
Posts: 633
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Thanks! I saw that after, but I'm not sure it works. Or at least I didn't get an email with the last pm I got. Perhaps it means in site notification?
Mjolnir Mark IV
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herecomethej2000 wrote:Thanks! I saw that after, but I'm not sure it works. Or at least I didn't get an email with the last pm I got. Perhaps it means in site notification?
i get emails when {redacted} PMs me
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