Oath of the Scenario Developer

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Ares Ex Machina
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Hey, somewhere along the way you made subtle reference to me. Yay, I'm famous! ;)

Powerful experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.
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Ares Ex Machina wrote:[attachment=5711:oath.png]
Ok, look, I don't care what you say. We are trying, just in case you don't know. We are trying to take our time and we show stuff like that so we can MAYBE get reactions. Not, why show that when you don't have nothing done. We have stuff done and we are getting more stuff done every day. I mean, at least the new guns look good, and not like a piece of square shit.
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The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:I mean, at least the new guns look good, and not like a piece of square shit.
Maybe they're awful, and nobody bothers to comment because they know it's not going anywhere?
Last edited by treellama on Aug 14th '12, 15:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Treellama wrote:Maybe they're awful, and nobody bothers to comment because they know it's not going anywhere?
Hey, whatever you say man. Still, when this game comes out, and it will, it will be the best. I know that no one believes me, not even some of my own team, but it will be awesome, I swear it. Maybe no one comments because they can't do that good.
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By the Holy Trilogy (marathon 1, 2 and infinity)

I hereby solemnly swear to uphold the oath. Under penalty of having my bowels removed, my head asploded, and my entrails hanged upon Ryoko's beautifully crafted Alter.

Let those in this room bear witness to this, and if I am found in anyway to violate this oath, let Total carnage Proceed.

*signs in blood*
Last edited by ???Durandal??? on Aug 14th '12, 16:06, edited 1 time in total.
Marathon D.R.E.A.M. copyright � 2008-2011- Is a future and ongoing SECRET project by Yours truly and Jjarandal productions � 2011- :
most patents pending and accepted. any and all material conceived by ME is property of me and gives no one a right to lay claim to my imagined stuff

Check out my blog, I've developed a little game pfhor you to play...

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Hey, cool oath. Not sure if I'm pledging it, though.
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The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:Ok, look, I don't care what you say. We are trying, just in case you don't know. We are trying to take our time and we show stuff like that so we can MAYBE get reactions. Not, why show that when you don't have nothing done. We have stuff done and we are getting more stuff done every day. I mean, at least the new guns look good, and not like a piece of square shit.
The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:yoyoyo im a nazithiefi in case u dfont know its like when that guy wone noble prize and had 2 melt it in aqua regia so the nazis woul ignore it in suspended solurti n nad n n come bacj k later and reconstituteet his metal medal $10,00000,000, prize

btw i stole irons ideas he was logpost er before but is irosn again
honestty best poslycy
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The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:Ok, look, I don't care what you say. We are trying, just in case you don't know. We are trying to take our time and we show stuff like that so we can MAYBE get reactions. Not, why show that when you don't have nothing done. We have stuff done and we are getting more stuff done every day. I mean, at least the new guns look good, and not like a piece of square shit.
From experience, I can tell you that you can work as hard as you damn well please, that you could be Isaac Newton incarnate, and you will still fail because you are out of scope. The same will happen if you suffer from psychosis as hard as you do, MC.
Last edited by envy on Aug 15th '12, 01:46, edited 1 time in total.
Si tratta di una lacrimosa.
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Who's idea was it to allow irons back into his regular account?
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The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:Hey, whatever you say man. Still, when this game comes out, and it will, it will be the best. I know that no one believes me, not even some of my own team, but it will be awesome, I swear it. Maybe no one comments because they can't do that good.

Hey, everyone being a bit too hostile towards eachother.
Last edited by caffienemachine on Aug 15th '12, 23:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Rereading through this, I went "Holy Crap, logposter was Irons..."

Hey Irons, why do you hate Des?
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why does the sun hate the earth
because it's there
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listener wrote:Rereading through this, I went "Holy Crap, logposter was Irons..."

Hey Irons, why do you hate Des?
You really are slow. This is why I'm still testing you; attempting to help your feeble mind focus better and actually work.
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The (UESC) Master Chief (: wrote:Hey, whatever you say man. Still, when this game comes out, and it will, it will be the best. I know that no one believes me, not even some of my own team, but it will be awesome, I swear it. Maybe no one comments because they can't do that good.
[voice="Troy McClure"]
Hi, I'm Forrest Cameranesi. You may remember my project from such doomed names as "Forever More" and "Beyond Infinity Lies Destiny". I was like you once, ambitious and optimistic, but after over a decade of protracted failure I came to embrace the wisdom in this thread's first post; but for me it was already too late to turn back. Thankfully my project was lucky and was born with only minor brain damage and bodily deformities. But your project may not be so lucky. Do the responsible thing for your project -- start small. And remember:

Don't. Date. Robots.
-Forrest Cameranesi, Geek of All Trades
Director of the Xeventh Project, the team behind Eternal
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There you have it. The two people that have successfully released major conversions in the last decade have both spoke about the merits of starting small. Start small!
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Durandal347 wrote:Ryoko's beautifully crafted Alter
Thanks to this beautifully crafted oath, Ryoko doesn't have to defile his altar with your bowels.
Love Marathon, and also play Doom on modern source ports? You might like these skins!
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RyokoTK wrote:There you have it. The two people that have successfully released major conversions in the last decade have both spoke about the merits of starting small. Start small!
It's probably just that most of us are working on massive scenarios, and just haven't finished because they're so huge. They are all so massive, they'll make your scenario look like garbage. Please don't waste time on something small and worthless.
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W wrote:It's probably just that most of us are working on massive scenarios, and just haven't finished because they're so huge. They are all so massive, they'll make your scenario look like garbage. Please don't waste time on something small and worthless.
W'rk Family Consulting, "Bad Advice For Today, and Tomorrow"
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W wrote:It's probably just that most of us are working on massive scenarios, and just haven't finished because they're so huge. They are all so massive, they'll make your scenario look like garbage. Please don't waste time on something small and worthless.
Agreed. I've been pushing out a Marathon of Duty 4: Piles of S'pht since Cod4:MW came out, and it's coming along swimmingly. Only a couple more years to go!
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marathon of doodie?
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Last edited by patrick on Aug 17th '12, 17:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Pfhorrest wrote:[voice="Troy McClure"]
Hi, I'm Forrest Cameranesi. You may remember my project from such doomed names as "Forever More" and "Beyond Infinity Lies Destiny". I was like you once, ambitious and optimistic, but after over a decade of protracted failure I came to embrace the wisdom in this thread's first post; but for me it was already too late to turn back. Thankfully my project was lucky and was born with only minor brain damage and bodily deformities. But your project may not be so lucky. Do the responsible thing for your project -- start small. And remember:

Don't. Date. Robots.
I say go as big as you can and don't start small. I get sick of people telling me to go small go small go small GO small I go big or go home and I will not go home. if I fail that is my problem not YOURS so just back off OK.
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